Thursday, December 17, 2009


It's time to start thinking about writing our position papers. This seemed stressful to me in previous years but now it doesn't appear as daunting because of the work I've been doing in the IB. In past months, we've studied parts of 20th century Syrian history, which helps a lot in understand the historical and cultural aspects of the nation we're representing. Mr. Pontes has also given students of his who are doing Syria extra information such as articles from Newsweek and the Economist on Syria, which builds on some of what we've learned about its history.

EFA Crepes Sale

Tomorrow EFA is selling crepes at lunch as a way to fund raise. We came up with the idea after trying to think of a more unique "product" to sell outside of desserts to raise money. Marjorie knows how to make crepes, which we thought would be a good idea for lunchtime. I'm bringing in plates and powdered sugar. Charlotte Olson and I also have to work on an announcement for our 'change for change' jug by the office, where you can put in spare change to donate to building schools.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Volleyball Award

I further believe that my goals were accomplished during this fall's volleyball season because I was awarded the most improved player on the B team at the fall sports banquet. Unfortunately I had a fever and couldn't go to the ceremony but I was still very proud and grateful that my coach recognized the hard work I put in during practices and games.
I think I demonstrated committment to volleyball by rarely missing practices and overall having motivation to do well because it is probably the last time I'll play on a volleyball team. I felt energized at practices and strived to get along with all my team mates. Senior year has provided me with willingness to be part of a Sturgis team for the last time and focus on performing to the best of my abilities.

Monday, November 23, 2009


We got our payment schedule for MUN. We have it more split up this year so we don't have to pay one large amount at once, which I find helpful, especially around the holiday season. We're having some scheduling conflicts as well because lots of clubs meet throughout the week. Prom committee and SOI interfere with our Thursday meeting date at lunch but it still seems like the most convenient right now.

Friday, November 13, 2009

MUN 11/13

I should have blogged about this before but we have good news for MUN. We've been assigned 3 countries this year: Turkey, Syria, and Macedonia. Turkey is on security council, allowing only 2 open spots. I decided to take Syria with the Special Political (Specpol) committee. I chose this because while we've studied a bit about both Syria and Turkey in history, a lot of our focus was on Syria. I'm on the committee with Marjorie Palmeri, who has been on MUN since her freshman year. She helped me a lot when I was a sophomore. Last year as a junior I knew what I was doing more but this year I plan on making a point of participating in debate and discussion more than usual since it is my last year at Sturgis and I know have everything works with the conference now.


We made plans to raise money for EFA over the upcoming months. First off, we're going to be doing pennies for peace, where students can put change into water jugs to raise money for donations. We're also going to be doing bake sales before Thanksgiving, selling pies in particular since it goes with the holiday. We're also thinking of doing a much bigger bake sale during or after midterms. I want to increase my own awareness on this topic because I didn't participate in this activity last year when a lot of the information was being given out. I have some general ideas but I haven't had a lot of time to look into it more because of my busy IB schedule.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last Game Outcomes

Yesterday we had a great game. We came close to beating Barnstable in all 3 sets and our coach was really happy. There were even times during the sets that we were beating them. We got all of our serves in and worked well playing as a team. Today we're playing the faculty but after that, volleyball is officially over. I'm glad our last real game was such a success.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Last Game

Today we have our last volleyball game and although my previous post was a bit negative I'm feeling better about actually doing well. We are playing Barnstable again, so doing well won't essentially be winning but instead being as consistent as possible, which is what our coach has been stressing throughout the season. Yesterday was a really good practice because I figured it was the last one where I could practice the skills I'd learned this year. I received serves well, coordinated well with my other teammates and didn't get fed up over any one thing. So, although it hasn't been perfect, I think I've reached the goals I set out to achieve when I started blogging about it. I'll probably blog about the game and then it will be over for the season. I'm glad a lot of my younger teammates have improved so much. By the time they're my age Sturgis should have a pretty solid team if they keep practicing.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Season Almost Over

I have to admit, I'm glad volleyball is almost over. While I did strive to meet objectives such as learning new skills and being part of a team, the IB work and lack of appreciation at practice is getting to be a bit much. I know that I'm a much better player than I was last year and we have a good coach who encourages us to trust each other while playing but the segregation of A and B teams has made this year less community- oriented. I think the A and B teams have bonded more within our own groups then with each other, which is only a personal opinion. I still don't understand why the coaches are stressing entire team unity, however when they've kept us separated all season.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Game Friday 10/16

We didn't win our game on Friday against Barnstable but I think that our individual "B" team is becoming really close and learning from each experience on how to utilize the skills we learn in practice and apply them to games. It wasn't bad that we lost because everyone was encouraging and we came close to beating them in the second set we played.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Volleyball 10/7

We had a game against Upper Cape Tech today. We didn't win but two of the sets were really close and we're definitely improving as a team. I'm not going to practice tomorrow because I have SAT tutoring but I feel a little more confident in volleyball so hopefully I'll be able to perform better next week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Volleyball 10/6

Today was another practice day. Our game on Friday didn't go so well, which I kind of expected since we were playing Barnstable. I only played in one game out of three, but it was actually the closest we came to winning; at the end, they had 25 points and we had 23. The last of the three, our coach told us, would include the 'strongest' players on the B team. He left me and a friend out of that one, which I found a bit insulting considering we're both seniors and we were just as good as the people who were playing that game. It's already a little degrading that they split us up into two teams and labeled one the A team and the other B. Obviously the first has positive connotations with the better players and the other with the less skilled ones. I think I did well in practice today though, so maybe I'll get more playing time during tomorrow's game against Upper Cape Tech.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm getting a late start on blogging for volleyball but I'm planning to post journal entries at least twice a week for the rest of the season. Today we have a game against Barnstable. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to play because I'm on the "B" team which is I guess equivalent of J.V. We are usually able other team's J.V. and the "A" team plays the Varsity team. I think that we're going to be playing the freshmen at Barnstable today, though so it's only one team. Hopefully, we'll be able to scrimmage. Our team is improving a lot, though. Yesterday we did a little game against the "A" team and I think we would have won if we were keeping score. We've also won against Cape Tech's J.V. team. I think I've done a good job keeping up with 4 day after school practices considering the busy schedule the I.B. pushes on us. Last week, I got sick and missed most of them because I got sick but I did well yesterday, my first day back.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tennis is Over

Tennis is finished, all I need now is to bring in my uniform. Unfortunatley, I missed going to watch states because it was the day after prom and I had been at the after prom party all night. I think the whole team did well this season. We all improved together and formed bonds with each other. I'm excited for next season because I can hopefully advance beyond exhibition. I'm interested in taking lessons this summer to improve some things I discovered I can greatly improve on during practices and games. I ended up getting to play for points in a real game, a goal of mine, even though my side lost.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Obviously I'm not going to be playing in the state championships but I hope to go and watch. The coach hasn't told us where its exact location yet, as far as I know. We were supposed to have exhibition matches with the boys team and a pizza party yesterday afternoon but it got rained out. I just heard that it will be rescheduled for Monday.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tennis is done (?)

I know that the girls' team is going to states but since I'm nowhere near being a 'top player' I am confused on the schedule on whether the whole team is still practicing or playing make-up games or what because the season is supposed to be officially over. I'm going to send Coach Hastings an e-mail about it. I actually went to a game the other day that I wasn't supposed to play in. I couldn't get my mom on her cell phone so I had to stay there the whole time. I did practice a little though, which was good.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tennis May 13, 2009

Today is our last day of practice. I'm going to miss tennis, it feels like it's gone by so quickly but my schedule for the rest of the week is games against Pope John Paul, Cape Tech, and Mashpee. I hope I can at least play in the Pope John Paul game to wrap up the season.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tennis May 12, 2009

Today we had practice until 6. I feel like I've been getting better and I want to take advantage of this last week of playing. On Friday we had a game against Pope John Paul, which I got to play in. Unfortunately, my side lost the set but it felt good to participate. I wasn't doing well with serving until the second time I started during the match. For some reason, I just started hitting the ball into the right places in the right way. Something just clicked. So part of my goal, to have participated in a real game has been accomplished and I'll carry that into next year, where (hopefully) I'll move on from exhibition.